PUT api/ContactLensProducts/{id}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
ContactLensProductName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | integer |
None. |
Name | string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
ParentId | integer |
None. |
TrialContactLensProductId | integer |
None. |
IsTrial | boolean |
None. |
SupplierId | integer |
None. |
ManufacturerId | integer |
None. |
ContactLensProductCategoryId | integer |
None. |
ModalityId | integer |
None. |
MaterialId | integer |
None. |
IsMadeToOrder | boolean |
None. |
IsToric | boolean |
None. |
IsMultifocal | boolean |
None. |
IsCosmetic | boolean |
None. |
Enabled | boolean |
None. |
DateAvailable | date |
None. |
DateDiscontinued | date |
None. |
BrandId | integer |
None. |
TrialContactLensProduct | ContactLensProduct |
None. |
Supplier | Supplier |
None. |
ContactLensProductCategory | ContactLensProductCategory |
None. |
Manufacturer | Supplier |
None. |
Material | Material |
None. |
Modality | Modality |
None. |
Brand | ContactLensProductBrand |
None. |
RetailContactLensProduct | ContactLensProduct |
None. |
ClientContactLensProducts | Collection of ClientContactLensProduct |
None. |
ClientContactLensProductPricings | Collection of ClientContactLensProductPricing |
None. |
ClientDiscountRules | Collection of ClientDiscountRule |
None. |
PrivateLabelProducts | Collection of ContactLensProduct |
None. |
TrialProducts | Collection of ContactLensProduct |
None. |
ContactLensProductConfigurations | Collection of ContactLensProductConfiguration |
None. |
ContactLensProductImages | Collection of ContactLensProductImage |
None. |
ContactLensProductUnitQuantities | Collection of ContactLensProductUnitQuantity |
None. |
GfkOrderLines | Collection of GfkOrderLine |
None. |
InventoryMasterRecords | Collection of InventoryMasterRecord |
None. |
InventoryOrderTemplateLines | Collection of InventoryOrderTemplateLine |
None. |
KnownProductMappings | Collection of KnownProductMapping |
None. |
NationalRetailProductPricings | Collection of NationalRetailProductPricing |
None. |
OrderLines | Collection of OrderLine |
None. |
Prescriptions | Collection of Prescription |
None. |
SupplierProducts | Collection of SupplierProduct |
None. |
ExclusivityList | Collection of integer |
None. |
Request Formats
Sample not available.
Sample not available.
Sample not available.
Sample not available.
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description